Misoprostol Abortion Pill Intake, Effects, and Precautions

There are two methods of going through a medication pregnancy termination. Firstly, you can use Mifepristone and Misoprostol Cytolog pills or take the latter medicine alone. While combination medicine intake is much better and more effective, people also use Misoprostol alone. This is because, sometimes women do not get to access the progesterone blocker pill, and have to resort to only one type of medicine. But you can equally end a pregnancy at home through prostaglandin E1 analog pills. However, there is a dosage step you need to follow here, which we will discuss in detail within the blog.

Pregnancy Confirmation and Abortion Pill Dosage Method

You need to confirm if the pregnancy is intrauterine and not ectopic. Also, the pregnancy should be within the initial 9 weeks of gestation. You can either get an ultrasound scan of the abdomen to know these details or speak with your healthcare provider about alternate methods. Then, you need to discuss any pre-existing medical conditions you have. If none of the issues are in contradiction to the pregnancy termination process, you can misoprostol buy online or anywhere you reside from a valid pharmacy.

Here is a look into taking Mifepristone and Misoprostol together, as well as Misoprostol alone:

· Mifepristone and Misoprostol: Start with 200mg Mifepristone on day 1. Consume the pill orally with water. The medicine detaches the fetus and pregnancy portions from the uterus wall by shedding the endometrial lining. Then after 24 to 48 hours, intake Misoprostol buccally by placing 4 pills under the tongue or two each in the cheek pouches. After they melt for half an hour, ingest the contents. The medicine causes uterine contractions and expels the products of conception through heavy vaginal bleeding. The cervix widens in the process to ease the exit.

· Misoprostol Vaginal: While the buccal method of medicine consumption is simple, you can also insert the medicine in the vagina. Insert one pill after the other with the help of your finger deep into the vagina. Try to place the pills near the cervix, it will dissolve faster and get absorbed in the uterus. You can follow this dosage technique with Mifepristone or when using the medicine alone as well.

·  Misoprostol Only: Many women buy Misoprostol Kit online USA and take the pill dosage according to the gestational weeks. For instance, if taking this medication only, you will need 8 pills if the pregnancy is within the initial 5 weeks. And thereafter between 6 and 9 weeks, you will need 4 more of these. So, how do you take these many pills together? You need to divide 4 pills into one set. Begin with the first set of 4 pills through the buccal intake. And then after an interval of 3 hours, take the next 4 pills, and so on.

Effects of Misoprostol Pills and Managing Them Safely

It is true that Mifepristone and Misoprostol combination has a success rate of up to 95%, while Misoprostol only has an effectiveness of up to 85%. The outcome of both these methods are however similar, as you will experience heavier periods like bleeding while the pregnancy tissues, fetus, and the sac are let out from your body. Also, abdominal cramps are normal because of the uterine contractions. So, you can prepare for these outcomes beforehand such as stocking on large sanitary napkins as you should not use menstrual cups or tampons.

Also, before you buy Misoprostol Kit online USA, do check if there is emergency care nearby as you will need access to it in case of any rare issues. And do not forget to go for a follow-up after 14 days of the procedure for an ultrasound scan of the abdomen. This will let you know if the pregnancy products are emptied from the womb or still some sections are in the womb. In case of the latter, you may need additional Misoprostol pills or an invasive treatment.

In case of side effects such as vomiting and nausea, you can use an anti-emetic medicine. If you feel dizzy or have a headache, it is best to stay hydrated by drinking water, eating healthy food, resting well, and avoiding physical and mental stress. Do not drive or operate any heavy machinery or visit outdoors. If you have liver/heart/kidney disease, allergy to the pills, uncontrollable high blood pressure, long-term corticosteroid use, or any other interrupting medical issues, then take the pills only if the physician consents to it.

Final Thoughts

Mifepristone and Misoprostol together as well as Misoprostol only methods that are viable to end a pregnancy. It depends on the access to medicine, your health, pregnancy status, gestational stage, doctor’s advice, and other factors, as to which of these medications you will utilize to end your early pregnancy. Nonetheless, it is important to understand what to expect, the dosage, and the effects of the procedure.
