Abortion After Motherhood: Busting the Myths & Stating the Facts

Numerous myths and misconceptions surround medical abortion. For several years, abortion has been considered taboo and a crime. Society often judges and stigmatizes women who seek abortions. However, medical abortion is safe and effective. You can buy online abortion pills and terminate the unwanted pregnancy within a few days. 

It’s a myth that only young and unmarried women seek abortions. Some women seek abortions after experiencing parenthood. The lack of awareness makes people think that mothers don’t have abortions and that those who have abortions cannot become mothers.

   Abortion After Motherhood: Busting the Myths & Stating the Facts

In this blog, we will dispel these myths and present the facts related to abortion.

Abortion and Motherhood: Mothers do have abortions                 

It's a common misconception that mothers don’t consider abortion. Women from diverse backgrounds find themselves in situations where abortion is the best option. Studies show that a significant number of women in Australia who have abortions are already mothers.

Similarly, around 60% of women seeking abortion in the USA are mothers. In 2021, the percentage of mothers seeking abortion in the UK rose from 51% to 57% over a decade, indicating a similar trend to the US. Accessibility to buy MTP kit online has caused an increase in numbers.

A significant reason why mothers require access to abortion is for family planning. Just as individuals without children may seek to prevent unplanned pregnancies, mothers also make decisions based on their current life circumstances and might need more time between each delivery.

Some mothers may decide that at this point in their lives, they want to focus on other goals, such as their professional lives. They may feel that expanding their families at a particular time is not feasible or conducive to their overall well-being, leading them to seek abortion as a means of family planning. They buy online abortion pills to end their pregnancy for this reason.

When considering family planning, mothers prioritize the needs of their existing children. Abortion can be a decision made out of love and responsibility for the children they are already raising. Additionally, some mothers choose abortion to safeguard their health and well-being due to the inherent risks of pregnancy and childbirth. This decision is often made after careful consideration and consultation with healthcare professionals.

Becoming Pregnant After an Abortion

Having an abortion doesn't mean giving up on motherhood forever. Many people revisit the idea of becoming a parent later in life. Our desires and circumstances evolve, and what may feel overwhelming now may become achievable later on. Some may feel they're not ready for parenthood and choose to wait.

After an abortion, many people wonder if they can still get pregnant. The simple answer is: yes! Abortion doesn't affect your ability to have a baby in the future. Your ability to get pregnant depends on your reproductive health, age, and any health conditions you may have.

Conception can occur soon after an abortion, even before your next menstrual cycle. While there's usually no need to wait, some healthcare providers recommend waiting until after the first period to date the subsequent pregnancy and recognize pregnancy signs.

There is no evidence supporting the myths about pregnancy complications after an abortion. Studies have shown that abortion does not increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, low birth weight, or preterm birth in future pregnancies.


If you are a mother seeking an abortion or someone who has had an abortion and now wants to get pregnant, we hope this blog has given you some clarity. If you have questions or would like to get some more details, you can check out our website. Buy MTP kit online and make an informed choice relating to your reproductive health and freedom.

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