Understanding About Misconceptions On Medical Abortion

Medical abortion is referred to as ending early-stage pregnancy by using a combination of abortion pills. It is recognized as a very effective and safe process and preferred by millions of women around the world. However, there are some misconceptions and myths about medical abortion which include inaccuracies such as depression, breast cancer, health risks, infertility, etc. thus, the purpose of this blog is to inspect the patient’s point of view and abortion risks to decide if these misconceptions are medically precise.

Does medical abortion lead to infertility?

Women who had a medical abortion earlier are mothers of two children now. So they have mentioned in the current survey that having a self-induced abortion does not cause any harm to your fertility, being pregnant, or having a normal delivery in the future. 

However, studies say that there is a small risk to fertility or to future pregnancy if you observe any womb infection during the abortion process and if it is not cured properly.

The infection can go through your ovaries and fallopian tubes, known as PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). It can increase your risk of ectopic pregnancy (where the pregnancy is developed outside the womb) or infertility. Some of the infections are cured before they reach this stage. You will be given antibiotics prior abortion process to lower the chances of infection. Get medical advice promptly if you observe any symptoms of infection after abortion which includes;

  • Severe pain

  • Smelly vaginal discharge

  • A high temperature

Does abortion cause breast cancer?

Abortion is nowhere linked with Breast cancer and it is not considered any symptom which includes obesity, age, and family history. Medical experts have found no studies which show that medical abortion causes an increased risk of breast cancer.

Concerns over a practicable chance of breast cancer and abortion are because of the changes in hormone levels during the abortion process. Hormones like progesterone and estrogen can charge up the abnormal growth of breast cells.

Also, medical abortions are safe if you buy abortion pills online from a genuine online pharmacy and take it as recommended within 8 weeks. You should inform your medical expert priorly about your health issues so that you do not face any complications later.
